
The Pico-8 is a virtual machine and game engine created by Lexaloffle Games. It is designed to mimic a fantasy video game console, by emulating the harsh hardware limitations of the video game consoles around the 1980s. The harsh limitations of PICO-8 are carefully chosen to be fun to work with, to encourage small but expressive designs, and to give cartridges made with PICO-8 their own particular look and feel. The coding is accomplished through a Lua-based environment, in which users can create music, sound effects, sprites, maps, and games.


Arrows - walk around | - change color palette | X - shoot

Gamepads are supported as well, if you prefer to play that way.


bunnyhop_racing_linux.zip 712 kB
bunnyhop_racing_osx.zip 3.2 MB
bunnyhop_racing_windows.zip 955 kB

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